Since there is such a variety of methods suggested to arrive at a meditational state, it can get confusing for a novice. If you wanted to get to a certain geographical location, and I gave you too many ways to get there, all I would do is confuse you. What you need is clear precise instructions.
To make matters more confusing, although meditation is very healthy, the adult mind is certainly not used to it. You have all meditated but when you did it, it was serindipity, and what you commonly called it was day dreaming. Now you are asking yourself to surrender to this kind of mental floating when you choose it to happen, rather than when all the circumstances were just right. There is a quality of lightness, easiness, and playfulness to meditating and these are just not the serious qualities our work-oriented culture promotes, so there is a natural resistance to meditating. Watch your children and they will teach you.
For all these reasons, when learning how to meditate, it is desirable to learn with a guide. This guide is like any other guide, she'll teach you how to find a place, walk you there just enough times so that you can eventually find it easily on your own.
And now you know how these recordings were conceived. While working with my various clients, they often asked me to tape a session so they could continue to practice, and so the recordings were born. Now you can meditate daily, but if you choose to, you can take your meditation one step further and begin to reintroduce images, those you personally select to increase and intensify your relaxation. This is called guided imagery. You can amplify your relaxation through the use of guided imagery in conjunction with meditation.