Understand that what you are attempting to do is to create a habit. Think about that for a moment. What makes something a habit? When an action passes from a conscious choice to an automatic, almost instinctual-like response it has now become a habit. The only way this can happen is through regular, dependable repetition. For example, do you think about brushing your teeth? It has probably become automatic, something you just "do."
Well then, practice should be daily at least for the first 6 weeks while you are actively creating this new pattern of behavior. Remember that you will want to be able to depend and rely on this new habit to get you out of really precarious situations when your stress level will be the highest! That will not be the time to learn. The habit must be well engrained by then so that you can pull it out like a friendly tool to help you put your world right again.
When you practice depends mostly on your other personal habits. First thing you get up is a good time and a brilliant way to start your day. If you practice at night before you fall asleep it is a wonderful way to end your day. And sometime during your busy day, close the door, take the phone off the hook and consciously relax!
I can hear your objections from here. You just don't have the time. And here's the answer to your third question. EVERY MEDITATION DOES NOT HAVE TO TAKE A LOT OF TIME! 10 minutes, even 5 minutes of peace, deep breathing, and re-centering yourself will make a considerable difference in your life if you do it consistently.